SSC Result 2024 has been published with marksheet. Students will be able to know the results online and through SMS. Results will be available online from the websites of Education Board Result, Edu Board Result and Web Based Result Publication System. Besides, detailed results with marksheet can also be found from the websites of the education boards. Educational institutions will download paperless results and publish them on their respective notice boards. Students will also be able to know the results from the notice board of their respective educational institutions.

What is SSC Result?

SSC Result 2024 Publish Date

The results of 2024 SSC and equivalent examinations were published on May 12, 2024. The official copy of the result was handed over at 10:00 am on this day. Later, the results were released online and through SMS at 11:00 am.


SSC Result 2024

A total of 20,13,597 students participated in the SSC and equivalent examinations of 2024. They participated in this exam from 11 education boards of the country. According to the published results, the pass rate in the 2024 SSC examination is 83.04%. A total of 1,82,129 students got GPA-5.


Total Candidates


Pass Rate



How to Check SSC Result?

There are several easy ways to check SSC Result. You can find out the detailed results by following the method that is more convenient for you.

  • Online
  • SMS
  • Educational Institution
  • Apps

Web Based Result

Web Based SSC Result can be found on the website. From here, students of all education boards will be able to know the detailed results. In addition, institution-based, district-based and center-based results will be available. Results can be known from this website without a registration number.

To check Web Based Result 2024, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to website.
  2. Select the exam name “SSC/Dakhil/Equivalent”.
  3. Select the year of examination “2024”.
  4. Select the name of your education board.
  5. Select result type.
  6. Enter your roll number and registration number.
  7. Click on “Get Result” button.

Note that both roll and registration number will be required to know the detailed results. Even if the result is known by giving only the roll number, the detailed result will not be known. Also, institution based results can be downloaded by selecting “Institution Result” from the result type.

Education Board Result

Education Board Result is the official website of the Inter-Education Board. Students of all education boards will be able to know the results from this website. To check SSC Result 2024 using the website, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to website.
  2. Select the exam name “SSC/Dakhil/Equivalent”.
  3. Select the year of examination “2024”.
  4. Select the name of your education board.
  5. Enter your roll number and registration number.
  6. Write the sum on the left side in the box on the right side.
  7. Click on “Submit” button.

Note that students of all general education boards, Bangladesh Madrasa Education Board and Bangladesh Technica

Education Board Result

SSC Result by SMS

If there is no internet facility, SSC and equivalent exam results can be easily known through SMS. The results can be known through SMS when the results are officially published. If SMS is sent before the result is published, it will be considered as pre-registration and the result will be available even after sending SMS after the result is published.

To check SSC Result 2024 via SMS, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to message option on mobile.
  2. Write SSC <space> first three letters of education board <space> roll number <space> year of examination and send to 16222.

Example: Write SSC DHA 123456 2024 and send to 16222.

SSC Marksheet

Institution Result

Educational institutions can download the results of their students from the website In addition, paperless results can be downloaded by logging in with EIIN on the websites of their respective education boards. No hard copy of the results will be provided by the education board.

  1. Go to website. 
  2. Select “Institution Result”. 
  3. Select the year of examination. 
  4. Select your education board. 
  5. Provide EIIN number. 
  6. Click on “Submit” button.

Dhaka Board Result

The pass rate in the SSC examination of the Dhaka Board is 83.92% and 49,190 students have scored GPA-5. You can know the results including the marksheet from the website of the Dhaka Education Board. Students can also know the results through SMS. In addition, schools under the Dhaka Board can download the institution-based paperless results from the same website.

To view the result online:

  1. Go to website.
  2. Select the exam name “SSC/Dakhil/Equivalent”.
  3. Select the exam year “2024”.
  4. Select the board name “Dhaka”.
  5. Enter your roll number and registration number.
  6. Click on the “Get Result” button.

To know the result through SMS:

  1. Go to the message option on your mobile.
  2. Type SSC <space> DHA <space> roll number <space> 2024 and send it to 16222.

Chittagong Board Result

The SSC result of the Chittagong Board can be known from the website and through SMS. The pass rate in the SSC examination of the Chittagong Board is 82.80% and 10,823 students have scored GPA-5.

To view the result online:

  1. Go to website.
  2. Click on the SSC Result 2024 Individual link.
  3. Enter your roll number.
  4. Click on the submit button.
  5. View the result with the marksheet.

To know the result through SMS:

  1. Go to the message option on your mobile.
  2. Type SSC <space> CHI <space> roll number <space> 2024 and send it to 16222.

Comilla Board Result

The pass rate in the SSC examination of the Comilla Board is 79.23% and 12,100 students have scored GPA-5. Students and schools of the Comilla Board can know the results from The results can also be known through SMS.

To view the result online:

  1. Go to website.
  2. Enter the “SSC 2024 Result” link.
  3. Enter the roll number and click on the submit button.
  4. To know the result with the marksheet, click on the “Click to See your obtained marks” link.
  5. Enter your roll and registration number.
  6. Click on the submit button.

To know the result through SMS:

  1. Go to the message option on your mobile.
  2. Type SSC <space> COM <space> roll number <space> 2024 and send it to 16222.

Barisal Board Result

The pass rate in the SSC examination of the Barisal Board is 89.13% and 6,145 students have scored GPA-5. Students, guardians and educational institutions under the Barisal Board can download the paperless results from the Barisal Board website. The results can also be known by sending SMS in the prescribed format.

To view the result online:

  1. Go to website.
  2. Enter your roll and registration number.
  3. Click on the Get Result button.

To know the result through SMS:

  1. Go to the message option on your mobile.
  2. Type SSC <space> BAR <space> roll number <space> 2024 and send it to 16222.

Dinajpur Board Result

The pass rate in the SSC examination of the Dinajpur Board is 78.43% and 18,105 students have scored GPA-5. The SSC Result 2024 of the Dinajpur Board can be known online and through SMS.

To view the result online:

  1. Visit the Dinajpur Board website
  2. Enter the SSC RESULT 2024 link.
  3. Click on the Individual Result link.
  4. Enter your roll number
  5. Click on the submit button to view the result.

To know the result through SMS:

  1. Go to the message option on your mobile.
  2. Type SSC <space> DIN <space> roll number <space> 2024 and send it to 16222.

Rajshahi Board Result

The pass rate in the SSC examination of the Rajshahi Board is 89.26% and 28,074 students have scored GPA-5. To know the results of the Rajshahi Board, follow the online or SMS instructions.

To view the result online:

  1. Go to website.
  2. Select the exam name “SSC/Dakhil/Equivalent”.
  3. Select the exam year “2024”.
  4. Select the board name “Rajshahi”.
  5. Enter your roll number and registration number.
  6. Click on the “Submit” button.
  7. After viewing the result, you can download the marksheet by clicking on the “Marksheet” button.

To know the result through SMS:

  1. Go to the message option on your mobile.
  2. Type SSC <space> RAJ <space> roll number <space> 2024 and send it to 16222.

Jessore Board Result

The pass rate in the SSC examination of the Jessore Board is 92.33% and 20,761 students have scored GPA-5.

To view the result online:

  1. Go to website.
  2. Click on the SSC Result 2024 menu.
  3. Enter roll and registration number.
  4. Click on the Find button.

To know the result through SMS:

  1. Go to the message option on your mobile.
  2. Type SSC <space> JES <space> roll number <space> 2024 and send it to 16222.

Sylhet Board Result

The pass rate in the SSC examination of the Sylhet Board is 73.35% and 5,471 students have scored GPA-5.

To view the result online:

  1. Go to website.
  2. Select the exam name “SSC/Dakhil/Equivalent”.
  3. Select the exam year “2024”.
  4. Select the board name “Sylhet”.
  5. Enter your roll number and registration number.
  6. Click on the “Get result” button.

To know the result through SMS:

  1. Go to the message option on your mobile.
  2. Type SSC <space> SYL <space> roll number <space> 2024 and send it to 16222.

Mymensingh Board Result

The pass rate in the SSC examination of the Mymensingh Board is 85.00% and 13,176 students have scored GPA-5.

To view the result online:

  1. Go to website.
  2. Enter the “SSC Result 2024” link.
  3. Enter roll and registration number and click on “Find” button.

To know the result through SMS:

  1. Go to the message option on your mobile.
  2. Type SSC <space> MYM <space> roll number <space> 2024 and send it to 16222.

Madrasah Board Result

The Dakhil result of the Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board has also been published. This is the SSC equivalent examination result. The pass rate in the SSC examination of the Madrasah Board is 79.66% and 14,206 students have scored GPA-5.

To view the result online:

  1. Go to website.
  2. Select the exam name “Dakhil”.
  3. Select the exam year “2024”.
  4. Select the board name “Madrasa”.
  5. Enter your roll number and registration number.
  6. Click on the “Submit” button.

To know the result through SMS:

  1. Go to the message option on your mobile.
  2. Type SSC <space> MAD <space> roll number <space> 2024 and send it to 16222.

Technical Board Board Result

The pass rate in the SSC examination of the Technical Board is 81.38% and 4,078 students have scored GPA-5.

To view the result online:

  1. Go to website.
  2. Select SSC level in Latest Result.
  3. View the result with the required information.

To know the result through SMS:

  1. Go to the message option on your mobile.
  2. Type SSC <space> TEC <space> roll number <space> 2024 and send it to 16222.

GPA Calculation

The results of the SSC and equivalent examinations are currently published in the Grade Point Average or GPA system. GPA is prepared based on the letter grade for each subject. The calculation of GPA for the SSC exam is as follows:

GradeGrade Point

The GPA is calculated by multiplying the grade point obtained in each subject by the credit of the respective subject, summing the products, and dividing by the total credit.

Re-scrutiny Application

Applications for re-scrutiny of the SSC examination results can be made from May 13 to May 19, 2024. A fee of Tk 300 is applicable for each subject. Re-scrutiny applications can be made through Teletalk. Detailed instructions for applying are published on the official websites of the education boards.

Board Challenge Result

After the completion of the re-scrutiny application for the SSC, the necessary verification and scrutiny have been completed. Subsequently, the Board Challenge Result was published on June 11, 2024. Students whose results have been changed have been informed through SMS. In addition, students can download the PDF from their respective education board’s website.


The SSC exam result for 2024 was published on May 12, 2024.

The SSC exam result can be checked online, through SMS, and from educational institutions.

Applications for re-scrutiny of the SSC exam can be made from May 13 to May 19, 2024. Applications can be made through Teletalk.


The SSC Result 2024 has been published and students can check their results through various methods. Successful students can apply for admission to the eleventh grade. In addition, students who have not received the expected results can apply for re-scrutiny. Students and guardians can obtain all information regarding the SSC exam results, re-scrutiny applications, and other matters from the respective education board’s website.